Ride Share Racketeering

There seems racketeering operation
going on to control Lyft and Uber. It is extremely dangerous to work at Lyft
and Uber because they keep using authors of directed energy weapons and gas on
me to make me sleepy and drive unsafely. After the attack, they keep reporting
safety violations against me after they commit crimes to attack me. it is
really time-consuming to report all the attacks that I have received from
customers. The management seems to be involved in racketeering. I
frequently have spent 2 to 5 hours extra a day to report the attacks.

I need to create a trail of evidence
that proves that they are committing these attacks. they frequently tried to
use character assassination tactics to reduce your credibility and make you
look crazier because you must report some crazy things that they are trying to
do.  they seem to be using directed
energy weapons that make you pass out while you are driving. This in my
opinion is part of an all-out assault on the American worker because they
believe that if they can keep you from getting a job that is worth $100,000 or
more then a foreigner can probably take it for less than that. Over the course
of a lifetime of 30 to 50 years of employment, that job could be worth over $5
million. if they can assassinate your character then they can take your job and
take over $5 to million for themselves.

Therefore, they are using all these
expensive tactics and they keep watching me all day trying to find a way to
assassinate my character so that they can get a high return on investment and
get me kicked out of a job. I have been reporting them, they have increased
their attacks against me, and the management seems to be working with the
attackers as part of their global takeover plan. I am not prepared compared to
all the preparation they have gone to attack me, so it is just a gag reflex
compared to the attacks that they plan and orchestrate against me it is like me
trying to stop machine gun bullet spray with just a t-shirt. They are using
this information to create hardened criminals who are extremely effective at
assassinating people’s character, and this can make their tactics worth last
and add A and this will allow them to create a military or criminal organization
that can last a long time.

I have been doing a lot to try to
report them. I have created emails to myself. I have posted on Twitter. I have
posted written and verbal complaints to Lyft and Uber. I have been saving the
reports and backing up the reports. I was also using the Dash Cam app on my
cell phone to record everything I do. I have had trouble backing up and
organizing all the data on the Dash Cam. I frequently have you worry about
getting my next paycheck and I must weigh in providing for my that compared to
reporting something that seems to be very hard to report.  

I have very little evidence
especially when you must pay a lawyer $200 an hour to just read your complaints
and a talk with the police could last over 2 hours more. Overall, the attacker
has too many advantages especially with the weapons that they are using. I need
to start creating reports so that others can also report in have their stories match
up with mine.  If they honestly and
effectively report their attacks still I believe that military disinformation
attacks can come into play in, they will create false reports because it will
make it hard to investigate the attack. I think they have deep pockets in lots
of resources and could possibly be planning attacks overseas.



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