Open Letter to the Federal Election Committee

     There have been multiple violations of the constitution which involved the Texas right to a secret ballot and the 5th amendment of the constitution. Almost all my constitutional rights have been exploited by the federal government. This has been done for profit and election purposes.  This has led to military and espionage grade harassment since I have been born and maybe before I was born.  The office of the President has been in contempt for my constitutional rights, especially with the Democratic Party who has used Executive orders to strip me of my constitutional rights and embarrass me without a fair trial.

     It’s very costly and time-consuming to support all claims with real facts and evidence but I believe that my statements may be useful for further evidence gathering. I consistently feel that it is necessary to urgently report these violations to avoid further terrorism, harassments and entrapment. This email may not most presentable or complete document. The political entrapment situations have gotten worse. 

    Almost everyone and every intuition has exploited me in political entrapment situations since I was born. They placed an espionage device on me since I was born. I learned this by analyzing old media sources which proudly exploited me in TV and Movies. They created books like a time to kill and interview with the vampire and Robocop to creatively explain the predicament that I was born into. They then used pop culture to suppress people’s ability to freely speak on the topic. 

     I recently started a job as a licensed insurance agent with HPOne. They offered me a bonus to ensure that I would work with them. But this was also the only person who offered me a job. I believe corporations have blacklisted me so that I can only get jobs that put me in political entrapment situations. HPOne then put me in a political entrapment situation involving the Medicare HIPPA policy. Which had also emotional significance, which, because it was created in 1996 and coincidentally The Texas Children’s Hospital received $96 million in March 2012. This amount t was related to my relationship with my Ex-wife. She married me while I was being actively exploited by the US Navy.

    They invited me to work with people who seemed to be overly prepared to exploit my situation. They tried to exploit my lack of employment to put me under economic duress. By putting me in an entrapment situation, knowing that I had no to protect myself from spying. They exploited my inability to abide by the HIPAA rules. They wanted to put me in. An entrapment situation for money and publicity. They also used threats and manipulation to publicly embarrass me using experienced personnel and waves of paid actors who would embarrass me based on content I recently viewed on YouTube and other forms of media and social media.

    They used creativity, ominous threats, force, and lies to overwhelm my ability to defend myself and create a policy that would embarrass me based on my actions. Then promote people to positions of situational authority who would harass me. They would significantly overwhelm me by investing an excessive amount of time to harass me to the point where everyone in the organization was afraid of the force and the time, they were using to harass me.  Then they would choose and cast friends who were given motivations through either money or punishment to harass me.


    They have exploited my incapacity to defend my rights for political reasons. They manipulated me into political entrapment situations. They were doing this with the specific intent of driving federal policy. Attacks ramped up during the federal elections. 


    This is included entrapping me in a show-trial situation without a lawyer or the right to remain silent. They then attempted to put me and my family members on a public trial without proper procedure or official notice. These trials put my family members in extreme political entrapment and lead to secret covert orders of the execution of family members who died in ominous and highly coincidental ways. They were killed with superweapons of espionage and proper verification would be extremely costly. 


    The attackers refused to use resources to investigate this occurrence. People in these show trials situations have routinely promoted the results of these trials and promote ominous threats and use of force which included and breaking in and entering and denial of basic services. These services included denial of food, shelter, clean drinking water, legal services, transportation, friends, family, privacy, banking, and sleep.


    This harassment has been so successful that other companies were forced to try to compete and join the aggressors. Because the tactics were too powerful it was making too much money and getting too much political influence. The birthdays of my family members had been having become major dates in pop culture.  These dates include January 6 my momโ€™s birthday, September 11, which is the day before my dad’s birthday, November 11th, which is my sisterโ€™s birthday.  On July 15th President Obama made an executive order with the intent of embarrassing me about HIV. He specifically abused my ability to have a secret ballot and defend my constitutional rights. 


    Terrorists and foreign States and organized criminals have also exploited my inability to defend my basic rights for terrorism against me. for instance, one time in 2012 or 2013 when I was in the Navy. I put this shampoo with male pheromones in my hair called magnetic to attract girls and I was just doing this as a joke. But terrorist and foreign governments used this as a reason to authorize the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Also, after playing Just Cause a terrorist attack. involving a weather superweapon was performed. And this was done in the Fall of 2018. This terrorist attack was destroyed multiple military aircraft. Minor actions by me would cause terrorists to perform extreme actions involving suicide bombing forest fires and mass shootings.  


    They did this in contempt for the US Constitution. Exploiting the fact that I did not have a right to a secret ballot and exploiting my 5th amendment rights. Media executives have also made movies and TV shows that were designed to exploit aspects of my personal life. They would then try to exploit the situation by accusing me of stealing if I watched the Media. They attempted to hold me liable for watching even though I had no idea how big my media influence was or what the economic consequences of my actions were.






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