My Tour at the Navy


The US Navy is a hotbed for human weapons creation. They started in. January, February 9, 2009. And lasted till October 8 2013. I came into the Navy recruiting office, got it 96 on my ASVAP. But I would I was not sure about whether I should join the Navy or not. They. Came to my address and tried to recruit me and started yelling at me. I thought they wanted me because they were really interested in my abilities. But instead, they were interested in performing character assassination attacks against me and my family.

               They knew. Of other terrorism that was going on against me, but. Instead, they tried to exploit the past terrorism and abuse that I was in and that my family was suffering from. I would get a lawyer too. Represent me, but. I don’t have enough time or money to recruit a lawyer because the case against the Navy that I have is long and time-consuming to report. Its excessively humiliating include terrorism and accusation of racketeering. I was excited to join the Navy at first because I wanted to get my first job and I wanted to use my skills in college. I wanted to gain experience in the workplace I was proud of the US military back then. 

My sister recently had been diagnosed with mental health problems. She had recently quit her job as a lawyer as a law clerk for a federal judge after she just passed the bar exam. It was a stressful time for me to deal with my sister and she was making it hard for me to you at home and work on school. My sister was complaining about the people who were watching her reading her brain. She would have to go to the bathroom with the lights out because she was afraid of the previous watching her while she would take going to the bathroom. She was prescribed some heavy medication to work with these problems that made her arm twitch. At one low point in my relationship with my sister, I had to pick her up from the park after she called me because she got in an altercation with the FBI office in Houston. The police picked her up and drop her off in the park. Itโ€™s similar to the first part of the PC game โ€œControlโ€ that came out this year 2021. The Navy, with a quick way for me to move out of my parentsโ€™ house so. I didn’t have to deal with my sister every day. 

I was also forced to make a quick decision because of the Great Recession. And it seems like. I terrorist organization targeted some of the stocks that I was investing in. I didn’t know this back then. I didn’t know that the thinker this extreme. But in hindsight. I believe that a terrorist organization was then using the Great Recession as an excuse. They shorted some of the stocks and sabotage some of the companies that I was invested in.

Boot Camp

               When I made it into the Navy, starting through boot camp. People were obsessed with me. Many times, harassing and a very bad way. They were trying to start normalizing character assassination attacks against me. I didn’t think that it was such a big deal. It could have been some of the bad things Iโ€™ve done in Houston. They kept using excessively time-consuming manipulation tactics to force me to deal with these attacks. They attempted to religiously enforce their gender and political ideals.  But I haven’t done very many bad things, I just had a bunch of weird hobbies. They were drinking at clubs, Chess, investing in the stock market and using workout supplements. Looking back, it was due to people being obsessed and afraid to talk to me because they were planning character or assassination attacks against me. They had a plan to religiously and politically enforce attacks against every little thing I did. This plan included terrorist attacks. But I didn’t know this, and they were. Studying me well before I made it to the Navy. They were using my insecurities to manipulate me.

When I made it to boot camp. The Enlisted instructors running the boot camp were excessively obsessed with me and they were kept giving me extra training. They constantly chose to yell at me in front of the rest of the crew despite significant problems in other crew members’ performance. They treated me very inhumanely. They obsessed over my ability to stay up and pay attention and they manipulated the fact that I had a problem staying up. Especially under stress. Without very much caffeine. They made my problems seem like major problems. They were also obsessed with keeping me. And getting me through the program. One weird character assassination attack included. Having everyone put on this dangerous soap to get rid of a flesh-eating virus. They instructed everyone in the boot camp too. Not getting it. In their eyes and mouth but make sure to get it overall over their body so that they could get rid of these flesh-eating bacteria.

After anytime that I had a question or had a problem with something, they would excessively yell at me. When I made it to boot camp, a rear admiral from a foreign Navy other foreign military intelligence. Were able to view me doing battle stations in boot camp for the first time. The character assassinations didn’t stop in boot camp and continued because I was a fire controlman and I had to go through A school and C school.

A school

Through A school, Criminals infiltrated the Navy training command camp in Great Lakes, IL. And introduced heroin in the training command. This led to two deaths of 2 people using heroin when I was stationed. They had to lock down the boot camp at Great Lakes Illinois because of heroin use. Another person was caught coping parking passes to let people Into the parking lot. The enlisted First class in my organization who were running in my barrack wanted to give me excessively hard room inspections. They were really obsessed with creating character assassination attacks over me cleaning my room. People kept spreading rumors about me and trying to assassinate my character, and they didn’t tell me the real reason why they were so obsessed with me. They may have creatively hinted at the reason. They started normalizing using character assassination attacks in the workplace to get publicity

In A school they were also trying to assassinate my character by forcing me to read through everything and go a lot slower than everyone else. They implemented stricter controls by making sure I wrote everything down when I didn’t need to. They most likely used manipulation attacks gain from studying me to enforce their attacks. They were obsessed with trying to find out whether I was closing my eyes. They apparently tried to put people around me that were specially chosen to harass me. They also chose roommates specifically chosen to harass me as well. I didn’t know this at the time but from past experiences, I believe this is to be the case. I didnโ€™t make very many friends while I was in the navy due to all the character assassination attacks and rumors. They have chosen employees specifically chosen to harass me in almost every job that I have been in since.

They also locked down the training command due to heroin use. And the character assassinations attacks were so great that it was hard for me to get people. To go out on liberty with. They were also talking to my girlfriend at the time, who I would later marry. And trying to get her to believe some of the character assassination attacks. I believe she was specifically chosen to befriend me and marry me as a character association attack That they were telling me you also telling my family. Details about the character, assassination attacks as well. They also told them with creative death threats and threats of retaliation and even threats of espionage grade weapons.

Petty officers that were above me in the Navy rationalize their political and religious beliefs saying that. They had a right to Force you to represent the Navy for 24/7 hours and that this was a 24-hour job. They were trying to impose their religious perception of what it means to be enlisted. I believe this to be very un-American because there were many times where the Navy wasn’t even very well-funded. In America. And they were trying to force their political beliefs upon everyone in the Navy, including me.

They were especially upset with alcohol-related incidents. And I think this was because they were trying to enforce their religious and political beliefs against alcohol and to use alcohol as part of the character assassination plans. They also put enlisted in contradictory situations to try to enforce their religious and political values.  They also tried to religious enforce mental their mental health agenda to make it easier to perform character assassinations. The Navy specifically tried to show me movies that were specifically designed to harass me, including Valkyrie. Twilight. And the PlayStation game resistance. People in my chain of command frequently used lines from movies and video games to make decisions about me.

                         Also, I was in the Navy A school had a sailors champion this nasty sexual joke about a bumpkin. This is where you get your Dick sucked while taking a shit. This was a nasty sexual reference that was targeted at me from the video game โ€œBayonettaโ€. But I was oblivious to this because I was not very naive about what they were after you trying to do. I did not play many video games and movies at the time. I was unable to anticipate the character assassination attacks that they were planning against me. They also had a “that guy” campaign that was actually religiously and politically targeted against me about alcohol.

They would also choose me to do things like pick up. Roots out of the concrete. And they would choose me above everyone else. Anyway, find ways Tested I would fill out just to choose me to do these types of things. They use character assassination attacks to assign. Wait T show. To harass me. And try to make it seem like it was my fault That they were trying to do these characters’ assassination attacks against me.


When I made it to C school, some things got better, but a lot of things also got much worse. Including the. The fact that during training I was forced to listen to people talk about sex all day. They were trying to use the fact that I was a virgin. I didnโ€™t tell anyone, but they definitely knew and tried to use this to manipulate me to force me to listen to sex all day. They manipulated me so I would feel like I was not normal. The school was six months long. I was forced to listen to people talk about sex all day. And only four hours of classroom time. It was hard to study anything. My SIS called because they were constantly talking about sex and trying to get me to feel out of place. I tried to walk out of the classroom when they talked about sex, but they yelled at me.

The class consisted of like three or two or three hours of classroom time, and then another. Five hours of talking about sex. And they tried to keep us in because they didn’t want us to leave early, and they wanted to blame me. Then they would blame me for drawing too much attention from top officers as part of a character assassination attack. They planned and normalized using my relationships to manipulate me. the girl I was talking to at the time got sick two weeks after Obama enacted the Affordable Care Act and she had to ask for money. She didn’t have but It also seemed like they were working with my future wife To manipulate me and perform character assassination attacks against me as well.

Also. Some of the. Instructors at the C school training command tried to reinforce these social and religious ideas against me by talking about how they were bad and how they would steal boats. How they went to Thailand, and they had two girls in their arms. They kept talking about. How much fun they had in Thailand the order that I received. In C schools were not random and were specifically targeted at me for religious and pollical reasons. The classmates that I was set up with were not random as well in fact almost all of them were over 28. They were specifically chosen to harass me ad make it easy to do you further character assassination attacks against me. They specifically changed command policies against me as character assassination attacks, they also tried to use this time to enforce their political, social, and religious values on my personal life as well.

Other classes in C school were able to let be let go early, but our class was forced to stay in for a long time. Well, I was going through. Training. They also significantly tried to devalue the level the training that we received in the Navy.

Ship Life

Before I made another command, I was so ashamed of not having sex that I got married. And when I did get married. My wife was abusive to me, and she was starting fights with me over little things like not getting enough alcohol. She frequently spent my money on alcohol. She was also addicted to pain medication. she had a list of movies that she liked to watch as well. Any she refused to do things that would make the marriage work. She refused to get a driver’s license or sign up for health insurance.  Details about my personal life were being joked about and manipulated while I was in C school. Being married was one of the criteria for getting orders with that. They wanted to force me to get orders to be Japan because I was single. Because I got married, I was able to choose orders to Hawaii. They were obsessed with keeping. Me from making any type of money. They were also trying to religiously force me to make impossible John Wick type of decisions and choose between my wife and my career. 

Next, I made it onto this ship DDG 90 in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. There. The people were exactly focused on being mean to me. As well. Conducting character assassination attacks against me. This included. Calling me stupid every day. They tried to force me to listen to racist jokes. They tried to normalize me by talking about racist jokes and offensive materials. I didn’t know how bad this would be in the future, but I thought everyone was. Not that bad. I was impossible for me to understand the character assassination attacks but they did drill offensive language in my head on the shit and at C school

When I was in the Navy, the chain of command specifically targeted me. They tried to stop me from getting a promotion. Because I got the highest score. Out of everyone. They use me at the cutoff point to not be promoted to the next pay grade to E5. The few above me were able to make it to the next pay grade or everyone below me was not. So I didn’t make it to the next pay grade and only very few fire controlman in the Navy made it to the next pay grade. Because I had a high scorer than most of the people in the Navy. They wanted to religiously enforce their perceptions against people who scored well on tests.

My wife was also scared of people in the Navy because they thought that people were harassing her as well and she was paranoid about some of the enlisted. She said that people were coming around knocking on her door. She said that people were stalking her wherever she went. She accused me of making jokes about her that I didn’t know or understand. This was when I was at a civilian party with enlisted from the Navy. 

The chain of command within the Navy they made weird references to movies and video games. They try to use character assassination attacks and management decisions. They tried to get me kicked out as well this included going into my locker poisoning food products that I had in my locker. Before that a first classed in my chain of command made ominous threats to shitting in his pant and the next week I did the same. They were bragging about how they could. Open my locker for whatever reason. They were religiously obsessed with my rack and my sleeping space. And they kept trying to get me to. Clean up my rack and consistently picked me to do jobs like clean up the bathroom. They kept doing all sorts of character assassination attacks against me, which included giving me more time in the kitchen than other people. Many other meetings that I had in the Navy have had character assassination attacks that were directed at me. Even though I was never a problem. They got upset at me for dancing too much. They also tried to make sexual comments at me to try to get me to start a relationship that I didnโ€™t want.

Based on my perception. People included officers in my chain of command were obsessed with relationships that I had with others. They were following me around town. To watch what I was doing with three people and talking to. People I talked to. They were trying to keep people from talking to me as well. They were trying to enforce their religious and political values against me. By going around and spreading rumors.

They were also obsessed with my bank account as well. I thought that you think would be over, but people keep using subliminal references to my time at the Navy to harass me in future jobs. They were spreading rumors about me around Houston as well. While I was in the Navy and in Hawaii. They used all sorts of character assassination attacks and subliminal references. They also had subliminal references posted on their Facebook page as well. Which includes two. Reference to my captainโ€™s mass. The problem is that after my captain mass everyone was able to get promoted to E5. Where before I was the cutoff point, not everyone was able to be promoted. This was where they really started to normalize character assassination attacks using drugs akin to Biden, a crime bill.

I believe someone drugged me. It cost me to do the things that I did for my ARI I. And the person who drugged me got junior sailor of the quarter because she was the one who gave me the drink that I drank before I committed the event that led up to my ARI.

My wife was also drugged while I was out in town and when she was drunk. she attacked me because she wasn’t feeling well but before she drank at a restaurant didn’t feel well because of a drink she got at a restaurant while I was at. Honolulu and started violently attacking me. I had to send her to jail.

The ship made subliminal references to my first Captains Mast on their Facebook page. The reference was made then I was kicked out of the Navy for another Incident. From my interpretation of the subliminal references of DDG 90s Facebook page, they thought getting me kicked out was a major accomplishment for the whole command. 

In hindsight, the other character assassinations attack I received well in the Navy made it was impossible for me to excel while I was there. I believe they could have taken a different approach to assassinate my character if I had done something different. I was hard me to talk about my experience from my tour in the navy. I was got subliminal threats when I did talk about my experience

 I have circumstantial evidence that leads to them going into my bank account. Looking at my emails. Spying on my emails. And. Follow me around town to perform character assassination attacks and spread rumors about me. I believe that the effort you harassed me was. excessive computed the amount of money that I was making. And that they were spending 10s even 100 times and money to harass me. As. And they were doing this for publicity reasons. They were also working with the banks, media, and news organizations. They also seem to have ties to foreign terrorism and foreign states.

Furthermore, this was also part of a further terrorist plot. They used publicity from attacks against me to control the elections. I believe some in the navy working to create terrorist attacks based on my actions as a form of a character assassination attack. Many other people were kicked out of the Navy for different reasons, and they were overly obsessed with getting me kicked out of the Navy. They were directed to perform character assassination is attacks on me while people were getting kicked out, they were also obsessed with performing character assassination attacks on me as well. They didnโ€™t care about their own actions and some of the captainsโ€™ masses and criminal acts were done specifically to enforce character assassination attacks

They also try to keep everyone from ratting on each other using threats of retaliation. They were obsessed with the process of obtaining reports to make reporting crimes seem time-consuming and useless. They made statements against wiki leaks and whistleblowing events which included Edward Snowden. They were trying to enforce religiously attack whistleblowers promote retaliation against whistleblowers. They use creative ways to enforce this perception on people instead of addressing this directly. Enlisted seemed to be directed to speak up about how whistleblowing is a waste of time. They also religiously attached gender ideals to whistle-blowing and reporting. They used different character assassination attacks against people to give people jobs that were unwanted. They wanted to excessively increase reporting leverage so they could report crimes on subordinates, but the chain of command was protected from reports.

They also tried to religiously promote the destruction of my money and personal belongings. They gave several stories about how people crash their cars for insurance reasons. They also talked about how they could pick up a used car for cheap. They made timely references to money based on my private actions that were not merely a coincidence. They knew I was investing in the stock market, and they tried to ramp up pressure against me when I had money invested. When I was investing in the stock market to harass me by yelling at me more and giving me jobs, I didnโ€™t want to work. They were more likely to presume for performance reasons while I was invested. They had seemed to have contacts in the banking industry who ratted on me when I was invested in stocks. They tried to keep me from getting a car and they knew that we’re thinking about getting a car. They also made ominous religious and political threats against the stock market and said that it was illegal to invest in the stock market as a sailor or give that impression using creative means. One person in the Navy. Alluded to, the threats they would use to get people to comply with their orders by saying that,โ€ they could do that to you.โ€. they complied after they realized all the bad things that they could do to you.






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