That movie is highly disturbing and it can explain too much stuff is there a technology that allows nano cells to control your brain. I’m not sure if they’re trying to develop something like the technology discussed in the movie. Ever since I’ve gotten the vaccine my actions have been synced to the actions of others. They seem to know week or months in advance what I would do and it’s accurate to the millisecond or better. I do not understand how my actions are so synced and what they’re trying to do with this technology. 
    The economy hasn’t gotten better and there’s still too many jobs for people to fill. Terrorists are constantly trying to get me to shove a knife into my stomach. They act like I have some explicit authority to run some type of organization. Sure the CEO looked like Marc Zuckerberg but and could be talking about Instagram but I feel is going to come back on me just for watching it. I do think that this type of technology could be good for criminals if used ethically. From personal experience, technology is never used ethically. 
    I see a lot of immorality and childishness in the media today and world governments. I believe that more governments today are being used to enforce the ideas of group children and they’re not being used to enforce the ideas of a group of adults. This is because, in fact, I think it’s mathematically impossible for a world government to act much better than a child because they have to make quick decisions and compete with others for scarce resources. There is so much disorganization in governments that keeps everyone from working together in a clear and logical manner. This is why I constantly get raped and I constantly go through child rape because it feels like a bigger child is just fucking me every day like I’m their favorite toy to play with. It’s all because of the fact that we don’t have any coordination in government or corporation that is anywhere near the coordination the brain has over the human body. 
    If we did have some type of mature control of society I think things could be different but really we do not have that type of control over government corporations there probably isn’t any good reason for us to get this type of control because it’s almost impossible and there are large opportunity costs you trying to find this type of control which could include judgments on it people who are logically innocent.  new rules would need to be created and everyone would have to obey them like they are 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. The new rules created would need perfect logic and instantaneous execution.






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