Cockroaches Movements Controlled With Computer Chips | Video – ABC News

Cockroaches Movements Controlled With Computer Chips | Video – ABC News

Now imagine the type of technology the CIA has if students can control a cockroach with a computer chip. They are using this technology on innocent civilians to steal secrets. This is extremely bad for free enterprise. What if you spent years inventing something and right before you could patent it you find out some one stole your invention using a cockroach or hacked in to your computer. Now they are making millions of dollars with your invention. We aren’t reward the people who actually create wealth in this country we are rewarding the people who steal wealth and then use the money they stole to defend themselves. So you worked for years to create something but it gets stolen and the person who stole it use’s the money to buy lawyers and experts to go on TV and attack you. You then wonder why we there is an extreme wealth gap between the poor and the middle class its because rich people steal the inventions of scientist engineers and working class who are actually creating wealth for America.






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