This guy pisses me off

Konheim, CEO and co-founder of luxury-fashion company Nicole Miller has this article on CNBC. 

Luxury CEO: The poor should stop whining

He’s freaking stupid. why don’t he go to india and try to attain the same amount of wealth he gets here. You can’t do that in any other country. Besides wealth in one country is differnt than wealth in another country. You have the greatest military in the world making you rich and then you send american citizens in the war to protect your interests. How many CEO’s in america are citizens natural of other countries. Its a guess but I’m sure not that many of them are. American citizens could vote to to tax the shit out of him. We allow him freedom of education and wealth creation but you have CEO’s sending jobs and resources of US citizens over seas. Then they try to take away people unemployment checks. It doesn’t work like that you shouldn’t be telling US citizens what to do you should be using your freedom and education to benefit the american people and create jobs and if you don’t like it then we can create laws take their power to send jobs oversea’s. I’m sure some of the CEO’s are terrorist radicalized to take over US companies and send jobs and intelligence to other countries.






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