We aren’t in the cold war any more the Military needs to change!

The military right now is ridiculous. They want to tell you what to do and they want to keep you stupid and ignorant. We aren’t at war. This type of behavior in the military is great when we have a specific opponent but it doesn’t back freedom and democracy. Its pretty simple. In order to have a free country we need a military that represents freedom.

The uniform code of military justice shouldn’t be used 24 hours a day it should only be used to protect assets vital to national security and when going over seas in to combat zones or people on watch stations. It should be used only when necessary like they way you use deadly force.

 Most of the time we were sitting around doing nothing productive. This is time we could have spent learning about the constitution. We need a military that knows what its trying to defend so week they should go over the constitution and go over the policies of the  3 branches of the government and go over a state’s policy each week. That way we have a military that isn’t just trained to fight its trained to defend the Constitution of the United States.

We need officers in the military that don’t just sit there and tell people what to do. They need to be able to inspire people. They need to be able to answer questions. They need to show their independence. from the chain of command. They also need to be diverse. We don’t have many female or minority officers. We they do make it to officer they don’t advance very far.

We need less secrets in the CIA. People go on talk shows all the time an spill all their crazy secrets so if we just let them publicly volunteer for random CIA testing they might just do it. Especially if they get paid well for it. There needs to be much more over site of the CIA. The CIA should not be allowed to do anything they aren’t proud to tell every american about. But right now we have too many whistle blowers because the CIA is infamous for evil and american acts that attack the basic rights of a human being. They are terrorizing and oppressing american citizens.

Right now the Military is the easiest job for a young person to get into. Being a young person your are automatically accepted in the military if you qualify. Many times you can get a a waiver so you can join even if something is wrong with you. There needs to be other ways for people to serve their country other than the military. Such as construction and technical jobs where you can volunteer to work under military settings to improve the country and the economy. Right now the military is the premiere employer for America and all other employers follow the examples set by the military. So if the military is able to get away with unfair, oppressive and abusive practices all other employers are going to use the example of the military. They are going to oppress, abuse and con american citizens the same way the military does.

One obvious example is the bait and switch. Recruiters bait young Americans into the military. Many times they lie to them and yell at them. If ask them a question get mad at your. They make you sign as quickly as possible and don’t through any of the core price pals of the military. Especially if you are a person in high demand. Then once you get in military they make sure you are fit for full duty and then they start yelling at you. They tell you a bunch of white lies and make you scared to get out.

Although they aren’t as extreme as the military. This is the same type of behavior a car sales man or house sales man or any other sales man. They bait you in with nice adds but they don’t tell you about the fine print where they are going to raise your interest rates 5 years later then you loose your home. Or they get you in with a nice warranty but then they don’t tell you how hard it is to use the warranty. Then employers do the same thing. They promise you that you have a pension then they go bankrupt and drain all the money out of your pension. Then the CEO leaves with a bonus because he stole american citizens money. But its ok because we let the military do the same thing to every one who joins.






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