The Military oppresses females and minorities.

Right now the military being used by white males to oppress people. Its not being used make america a stronger nation. Its not being used to spread wealth, bring freedom to other nations or boost the economy. Instead you hear too many incidents of hazing, sexual harassment and racism. This make you feel less of a human being when you participate in it so they can slam you with more work when you mess up. It also make it easier to kick some one out if they were participating in hazing, sexual harassment and racism because they were doing something wrong already.

If you don’t participate in it then they don’t wan to be friends with you and you have to isolate your self from every one else just to get away. They plot other ways to attack you and harass you. They do it while your at work when your trying to concentrate on your job. You have to be a genius to hold out against the constant harassment. Even if you are a genius you are probably spending more timing thinking about defending your self every day from your attackers than thinking about your job. They are also spending a lot of time thinking about ways to attack you and they call it part of their job. They get rewarded for attacking you so it makes it even worse.

Then they spread rumors about female calling them slutty. They call any minority male they don’t like homosexual. They create a reward system that only favors white males and their experiences so they get ranked up faster by only doing things they like to do. If your a minority and you do something you like to do it draws unwanted attention while if your a white male then you rewarded for it and its a navy sponsored event. Then they dominate the TV and Radio so you have to watch the shows, news and movies they like to watch. Some of them have graphic scenes and offensive language that you don’t want watch with your coworkers but it is normally in the center of the work place. If you want get anywhere in the navy you need to be at the center of workplace at all times which is normally the center of hazing, sexual harassment and racism.






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