Email I wrote previously

 I found out about this program called loveint. But if you put this program in the hands of racists and prankster it could explain why there are so many divorces in the Navy. Also it explain all the things you went through when you were in Hawaii. Then people in the military want this program to be kept secret. The only reason is to protect their own ass. They want to cut food stamps and unemployment insurance. Then racist sexually harass black people can call them fagots so they can’t have a decent marriage.All the care about is their buddy in the military who’d been lying and cheating against american citizens. Why? So they can defend Isreal in some crazy ass war that’s about to happen. If is going to happen the just let God deal with it how he wants to. There’s nothing you can do but republicans seem to want to fight a war against God and screw every one else over in the process.






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