Houston Police Department Assault Charge

The Houston Police Department
committed a hate crime. The whole department knew that I was drugged by the
Family Dollar Store
they created a false police report and they are trying
to prosecute me for assault when Houston Police Department assaulted me.
I do not trust the Houston Police Department. I also have several police
reports with the Houston Police Department and every time that I tried
to do a police report they were overly prepared to harass me intimidate me and
try to keep my mouth shut on critical issues that I was dealing with. That
dealt with assault, breaking, entering, vandalism, espionage, and election-based

I believe that the Houston Police
is running a prostitution ring based on my dealings with the Houston
Police Department
and the fact that they had multiple people in the jail
cell that looked like the brothers of social media influencers’ third floor,
block H, Cell C. They had constructed a cell where they had a person who looked
like Daniel Bregoliโ€™s brother and I would travel with my brother there. They
also had characters, look-alikes, from video games such as Far Cry 5.
Finally, one of the people in the jail cell seemed to have cousins or brothers
who tried to contact me afterward when I was doing work for Task Rabbit,
and they look like the person in the jail cell.

On top of that on top of that that
they are also trying to enforce cruel and unusual punishment on inmates by
using superweapons against testing weapons programs on inmates in a maximum-security
prison. I know this to be true because I had a super weather program forced on
me and then I had to be forced into security prison.

And finally, I believe that the City
of Houston
is harassing me with the at least that heโ€™s doing is harassing
me because I thought multiple trash trucks following me and multiple cement
trucks as well and Iโ€™ve been taking pictures of this harassment and trying to
post them on Instagram and Twitter. Only recently have I seen this many trash
and cement trucks following me especially when there has been a significant
event in my life. 

 The attack from the Houston
Police Department
and the Family Dollar store left me with over
$1100 in medical bills directly to me and an over $5000 charge that my health
insurance covered. I believe that after asking probing questions without
instructing me my rights about my mental health and my childhood Afterwards, I
had high blood pressure mysteriously when I was thinking about things like in
my head take my blood pressure with the thing that finger yeah so itโ€™s felt
like they were reading my brain while they were harassing me.

I believe the Houston Police Department
was attacked with nano weapons that forcibly synchronized their actions,
or they have extremely detailed intelligence for this situation attack add baby
rehearsed every aspect of this attack on me while they were building the prison
cell, I had to stay in. On top of that, I believe that these weapons special
weapons tests on the prisoners and the police department. This was done without
my consent. This was done without reading me my rights.

They tried to read the bible and
enforce their religious value on me without reading my writing or asking for a

At one point they were attacking me.
Two Houston Police Officers had a hand on my shoulder. And it seemed
like they were reading my mind and they rehearsed this situation. They were
either moving like robots together and they seemed to be controlled by my mind.
Or they were joking around but whatever they were doing to me was not going by
any sort of official police protocol. This happened for over 15 to 30 minutes
hey clock while I was handcuffed. Many times, they were so bad they took me to
multiple holding cells we should where they mysteriously picked me up and
didnโ€™t talk to me. to talk to me about escorting me properly where they at where
they carried you and then they didnโ€™t even try to talk to me about escorting me
properly. The Police Officers almost broke my hand while I hand in

On top of that, the drugs that they
poisoned me with still here seem to limit the amount of adrenaline that I could
use while simultaneously controlling all my actions to the point where I
thoughts would sync with computer technology and other people around me.
Multiple times I had to find a way to increase my adrenaline level just so I
could keep myself from getting controlled by this technology but even this
adrenaline didnโ€™t seem to keep me fully out of sync with everyone around me.

Then on my way out of prison after
getting bailed out by my parents. they tried to force me to talk to this
guy in a wheelchair with both of their legs broken off he had a story he
specifically wanted to tell me, and he had a script.

Finally, these people don’t use any
type of logic and the doctor made a false report because there were numerous
inaccuracies in the report that he made about my mental health and my mental
state, and he didn’t specifically talk to me about anything. They also didnโ€™t
accuse the police officers of attacking me and provoking my behavior.

 The police did multiple things
to provoke me well after I was handcuffed without asking me any questions. I
had to yell at them because they didnโ€™t talk to me. Also didn’t believe that
they needed an electrocardiogram, so they charged me for something that I
didn’t need or they charged the insurance company for something that I didn’t

Drugs that poisoned the tamper-proof
sealed food from the Family Dollar Store were so powerful that the poisonous super
weapons-grade poisons, narcotics, and nanotech kept me shaking in a cell at
random moments for over a week. Most of the day I would feel fine, but I would
get these periods where I would feel cold and shake uncontrollably even with a
blanket. They found out my blood pressure was high and did an EKG on me as
well. They also took a blood sample

And after I got out of the maximum-security
prison that the Houston Police Department forced me into an organized
criminal organization that was embedded in the city of Houston and was actively
trying to see intimidate me and my family members, they forced my mom and
dad to poison me. The politically motivated domestic terrorists had
concrete political motives. these attacks happened during an election. My
mother also tried to cripple me in harassment, including the destruction of
personal property and poisoning me. If it wasn’t for the continuous and acute
harassment from politicization. I would live that my mother and father were
child abusers. But not I don’t know if they were entrapped in a complex
situation where the more you understand about the situation the more politicians
respond with disinformation tactics.






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